Instagram: beth_farrelly |
MY LAPTOP IS BACK! And I'm so very happy that I can blog once again. I've really been missing it these past few weeks, especially since there's been a lot going on that I've been dying to share with you!
I know my last post was quite similar to this but I thought since I'd been away for a little while I'd just give you an overall update of what I've been up to when I was meant to have been revising!
Recently, I'm very pleased to report, Lancashire has been blessed with some beautiful weather! A couple of days last week it was hitting 20-odd degrees, which literally never happens, so despite the fact exams are looming I've been spending a lot of time outdoors, chilling out and enjoying the sunshine. A couple of weeks ago one of my friends from home came to stay with me for a few days which gave me an excuse to get off campus and do a bit of exploring! One of the days he was here we took a trip to the Lakes which was really fun, especially because it was such a beautiful, sunny day. Unfortunately, I managed to forget my camera but I did end up getting some half-decent pictures on my iPhone though so at least all was not lost. Even though I only live about an hour away from the Lakes at uni I don't get to go anywhere near as much as I would like so it's always a pleasure being able to take friends there when they come and visit me.
On the Sunday my friend was here we also visited some mutual friends of ours who live in the area and had a lovely Sunday brunch outside in their garden with sausages, bacon, eggs, strawberries, yoghurt and croissants which was a lovely treat.
Also, in the last few weeks a couple of my friends from uni and I have started going horse-riding once a week which I've really been enjoying. I used to ride a lot when I was younger but as I got older and schoolwork started taking up more and more of my time I had to give it up, but I'm so happy to have the opportunity to take it back up now. The yard we've been riding at is tiny and buried in countryside not far from the city centre. It's also just a short bus ride from campus which is incredibly handy for us and the family that own it are really lovely and friendly as well which makes all the difference! It's always a lovely break from uni life getting to go out there and spend some time in the fresh air doing something I love.
Yesterday when we were up at the yard one of the mares had just given birth to a tiny foal called May and I'm not kidding, she was one of the cutest things I've ever seen! She was only 5 days old, wobbling around still a bit unsteady on her feet but so was friendly, nuzzling up to us and letting us pet her.
Unfortunately now, since I've taken a bit of a long break this term so far I need to get back into some proper revision which is what I've been doing these past few days before my exams start at the end of this week. I'm quite nervous as there's a lot to cover but hopefully things will all go OK!
Instagram: beth_farrelly